A celebration of the Staghorn Sumac. Ubiquitous to much of Ontario and beyond, the Staghorn Sumac's striking form and colours are hard to overlook. From its curving branches to its delicate leaflets to its soft and deep red fruits, there is much to admire in the beauty of the sumac and its place in our natural environment.

Playful Light: Gardens I (Coming Soon)
Shadows and light play across the garden throughout the day and through the seasons. From one moment to the next different scenes emerge, each telling its own story.

Playful Light: Forests I (Coming Soon
It can often be hard to find the light through the dense forest foliage. Scenes play out through the breaks created from fallen giants. On the forest floor, dappled light appears everchanging, creates a kaleidescope of colours and lighting up new scenes in each new moment.

Chaos (Coming 2024)
It is so easy for our eyes to sweep over a scene that appears too overwhelming to decipher, too chaotic to understand. This series of photographs were taken by spending hours observing these overlooked scenes, and seeks to portray the complex and rich patterns within them.

Underfoot (Coming 2024)
The forest floor offers no apparent reason for recognition. It is a great expanse of discarded things. A collection of unwanted debris from plants and animals alike. This series explores how unique and wonderful this vast world is. Each unique place with its own treasure trove of "debris" that comes together in beautiful and everchanging patterns.

Wild Bouquets (Coming 2024)
One only needs to look to nature to find bouquets worthy of display. The natural interaction of flora in the wild creates the most exciting and unexpected floral arrangements. From delicate blossoms to thorny branches, the beauty and wonder of nature's design unfolds in this story of wild bouquets.

Forest Portraits (Coming 2024)
Each forest tells a story. Within the forest lies a complex connection of plants, animals, and landscape. This series seeks to tell these stories through a series of simple compositions that demonstrate the masterful design and purpose of nature.

Untethered (Coming 2024)
Sometimes we need to loose ourselves from time to recognize our own place in the world. Within our natural spaces we can untether ourselves from society and the pressures of time and truly feel the sense of unconditional belonging. This series seeks to break that tether for the viewer and allow that powerful feeling to exist in any place at any time.

Impact (To be updated)
A more explicit look at the impact we have on our natural environments through our daily recreational use. A response to the unexpected growth in outdoor activities in 2020 due to COVID-19. Whos responsibility is it to manage these places? Are we entitled to use these places as we like? What is our role as individuals in making sure these places remain for generations to come?